Samoyed Pet Therapist and Service Dog Trainer
I am Anuk, a Samoyed dog. I live with my family (two cats and two humans) in the outskirts of Biella. I am a certified Pet Therapist, but most of all I like to go around the hills and the mountains simply to enjoy staying outdoors. I am passionate about digging holes around, chasing roes and foxes, and ask for cuddles to anyone I meet during my trips.
Need help in digging your garden? Don't worry, just drop me a line.
Barking, yapping, woofing, howling... You just name it. I will do.
I am higly effective in management of pests, rabbits, foxes, roes in or around your premises.
I have an MA in Pet Therapy. I regularly train puppy service dog regardless of their breed.
Attended the training to become a Pet Therapist, major in Agility.
Extensive training. I become junior assistant, to help train young puppies.
Interaction with other puppies.
I am a certified Pet Therapist, and I work at the University and on site to service our human friends.
During the training, I become passionate about Agility, which I choose as a major for my carieer.
While still at the Advanced Puppy Class, I had an internship, learning how to interact with patients.